HOMEテクニカルレポートFE analysis on the rate-dependent behaviour of geogrid-reinforced soil retaining wall

FE analysis on the rate-dependent behaviour of geogrid-reinforced soil retaining wall土木学会第60回年次学術講演会


  Figure1 FE mesh for a GRS-RW model

Not only geomaterial (e.g., Di Benedetto et al., 2002; Tatsuoka et al., 2002) but also polymer geosynthetic reinforcement (e.g., Hirakawa et al., 2003) are known to exhibit more-or-less rate-dependent stress-strain behaviour due to their viscous properties. Due to interactions between the elasto-viscoplastic properties of the backfill and reinforcement, the rate-dependency of the stress-strain behaviour of the backfill reinforced with polymer geosynthetic reinforcement could be highly complicated (e.g., Tatsuoka et al., 2004). In the present study, plane strain FE analysis incorporating elasto-viscoplasticity of both sand and geogrid was performed on the behaviour of a geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall (GRS-RW) model that was vertically loaded with a rough rigid footing on the crest in the laboratory (Hirakawa, 2003).


FE analysis on the rate-dependent behaviour of geogrid-reinforced soil retaining wall


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