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A Model Bus Station For Doncaster - South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE)

South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) uses WITNESS simulation software from the Lanner Group to finalise its plans for the new Doncaster Interchange

The new Doncaster Interchange is designed to replace two existing bus stations serving the town centre. It is funded by a combination of PFI and regeneration investment as part of a development to revitalise the town centre with new amenities and shopping areas.

Planning a Complex Interchange
Planning the new Interchange was a complex task that required taking a number of physical and operational factors into account. First, the Interchange had to provide aneffective and long term solution to local public transport requirements and support strategies to increase passenger numbers. Second, because the Interchange was part of a larger development, space limitations and existing road layouts placed constraints on the design.

Finally, the Interchange had to accommodate the needs of the private sector operators that have operated the bus network since public transport deregulation a decade ago. SYPTE needed a flexible solution that would not create any traffic bottlenecks or delays to services. "Modelling and simulation is ideal for assessing and understanding such complex interactions in the real world," says Peter Elliott. "We chose WITNESS because the company demonstrated similar applications in transport and other industries."



キティマットLNGは、アパッチ社が運営する、カナダのブリティッシュ・コロンビア州のLNG輸出施設で、天然ガス、原油、天然ガス液の調査・開発と生成を行う独立系エネルギー会社です。キティマットLNGはアパッチ社とEOGリソーシズ社およびエンカナ社(Encana)が共同所有しており、バンクーバーの北約650キロ(400マイル)のビシュコーブ(Bish Cove)に位置するカナダ初のLNG輸出ターミナルです。



石油化学製品メーカーの船舶輸送計画の検討エクソンケミカル社(Exxon Chemicals)

世界的な石油化学製品メーカーであるエクソンケミカル社(Exxon Chemicals)での、船舶輸送計画・港湾物流に関するシミュレーション事例

顧客 エクソンケミカル社
産業分類 化学/製薬
適用分野 サプライチェーンのロジスティックス
効果 流通プロセスの最適化





Revolutionary Terminal and Logistics Planning System (Shell)

Lanner Group works with Shell Services International, Shell International Gas and Lanner to develop a new simulation tool, ADGENT, to model producer and receiving terminals, shipping logistics and shipping delivery programs for both liquid natural gas (LNG) and crude oil.

The ADGENT tool is the most advanced of its kind inside or outside of Shell. For the past 10 years, a predecessor to this tool has been used within Shell International Gas and associated operating companies for LNG terminal studies and logistics planning. The studies have shown impressive savings and increases in revenues. In the past year alone, the tool's use has benefited existing and new projects by nearly $100 million.

Simulation gives organisations the much-needed ability to ask "what-if?" when makingstrategic and operational decisions. It also gives users a safe environment in which to experiment with different strategic scenarios. As a result, decision-makers can be sure that they have found the solution that is most fit for their organization. Benefits are numerous including improved throughput, reduced costs and lead-times and better utilization of resources. In many cases, organizations discover that they can improve efficiency without incurring any financial investment, by simply fine-tuning current business activities within a simulation model. In addition, as in the case of Shell International Gas, the use of simulation can result in significant cost avoidance as the optimisation reveals the true costs and benefits of proposed projects. A recent study for one Shell-advised LNG plant demonstrated a potential increase of 15 LNG cargoes per year at very little additional cost & mdash; equivalent to $75-150 million per year in extra revenues.


このガス田は、海洋学者Vladimir Shtokmanにちなんで名付けられており、Gazprom社が中心となって開発第1段階のパートナーであるTotal社およびStatoil社とともに開発を進めています。2016年にはパイプラインガスの生産、2017年にはLNG(Liquid Natural Gas:液化天然ガス)の生産が開始する予定です。



Gazprom Global LNG社の事業開発マネージャーであるFrederik Smits van Oyenは、次のように述べています。「Lanner社は、LNGの供給におけるロジスティクスに関して専門的な知識があるのはもちろんのこと、同様の複雑なプロジェクトを数多く手がけてきた実績があります。LNGの効率的な輸送を実現するための重要な方策や手段を理解していました。」
